Welcome to The Mindscope Mentoring

Mentoring is essentially about helping people to develop more effectively

Mentee Application Form! Mentor Questionaire!

For enquiries, contact us at info@mindscopementoring.co.uk

Get access to an adorable mentoring experience.

Mentoring is essentially about helping people to develop more effectively. It is a relationship designed to build confidence and support the mentee, so they are able to take control of their own development and work. Mentoring is about helping a mentee develop social capital to complement their development of technical an intellectual capital. It involves a personal interaction with the mentee. The Mindscope Mentoring is a mentoring initiative with committed individuals that have benefitted from mentorship guidance with experience mentoring individuals in various career and academic endeavours.

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Programme Goals and Objectives!

The programme will provide the mentees with access to people in the industry who have experienced in the area the mentees are interested in as well as opportunity to network and have their questions answered.

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